Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stuff Rob Says

Week 15

Where is Nate??

Lol this quote make me smile and frown at the same time. Me oversleeping has caused me to miss this class twice this week and its our last week together!! I'm sorry for missing class. But I wanted to let you know I haven't skipped this class. It so fun to skip its one of the few I actually enjoy.

Week 12

This is my favorite class-Rob

I'm so gald Im part of your favorite class. It makes me happy that we can create a good learning environment for us and you. It really sad that you'll never again have a class a cool as us ever again though. But we should all take intro to broadcasting to replicate this class.

Here is another random video that has nothing to do with my quote what so ever

Week 11


This quote is from a fellow classmate Andrew. He felt the need to scream that when ever Rob said something funny or something that could potentially hurt his career. I think that its funny that Andrew says this pretty often. Its a good way to get a quote also.

Week 10

"If I ever acted like I was going to punch my uncle he would tell me something like this"
( referring to the 3 second of foolishness)

I thought this was pretty funny because that is something my uncle would say too. I just talked to uncle last night. Talking to my uncle makes me homesick lol. I can't wait for thanksgiving break. I need this time off from school!!

Week Eight

I reach, you reach, we compromise, 50 is a big number

This quote was from when we talked about the 50 wiki's. Which I still don't quite understand. BUT its good to know that we can work together to make this easier for the both of us. Because 50 is quite a big number

This video has absolutely nothing to do with my quote but I think its pretty funny, and I thought I should share it

Week Seven

"Okay.................enjoy the cartoons"

You said this before starting the first documentary on Monday. I got excited for a little bit and as soon as it started I realized that you lied to me. It wasn't a cartoon at all not even close. Despite the lie the documentary was pretty good.

Week Six

"I'm Going to make so many RobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRobRob Larson videos!!!!

Although this may not quite be a "direct" quote you still said it. This was from the video of the stalker that you showed us on Friday. I thought it was funny that someone would take so much time to make these videos about you some are pretty funny. But you should really report those to youtube.

Week Four
"Its full of information I can unleash........implement in the classroom"
Rob talking about our courses rigorous information

Week Three


We are gonna laugh at each other this semester. I hope this doesn't terrify anyone.

My response- Laughter is one of life's best medicine and there is nothing wrong with a little laughter

Week Two
" You may perceive me as nonsense stringing together, hopefully you trust me and we can string it all together dynamically"

My response- With a name like Rmoney218 and RCa$h how can I not trust you Rob!!!

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